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Staying Emotionally Connected While Social Distancing - 6 Ways + 1 Affirmation To Consider

This is not a regular food or travel post that I’m most likely to do but just a thought I’ve been rolling over my mind all day today.

As I was tossing and turning in bed last night, this thought dawned upon me. Maybe because I was guilty of the same? As a research junkie, I’ve been inundated (mostly self-inflicted) with information on COVID-19 - SMS’s right from the banks on social distancing banking methods to my favourite grilled chicken joint on contactless delivery, to theories and prophecies from writers of the 80’s, to documentaries on China’s almost illegal and unregulated wildlife market where there’s an animal for anything and everything man could wish to get more of or get undone, to keeping up with live case tracking websites - yes, there’s no dearth of information out there to balm any fear I have and satisfy every curious nerve in my body.

And, so you can imagine and I say this unequivocally, with all that information filling up my senses, unintentionally but surely, I felt myself being emotionally distant. Until yesterday. When I met a few of my friends from our local church community group using Zoom meetings. It was such a sweet time where around 10 members connected remotely from the comforts of our homes, thinking over the pandemic, praying and encouraging one another.

So, what then should social distancing look like to the people of the world? How can we be more emotionally connected while staying apart? Here are some of my thoughts:

  1. More than ever, make sure you dial in to your friends - especially single parents, single friends, empty nesters - and say (not a text message over Whatsapp ) hello. Don't underestimate the power of the vocal word in these situations.

  2. If you’re young or think you have a good immunity (to my green smoothie chuggers and lifters out there), volunteer to pick additional groceries for someone who feels uncertain or is at-risk to step out.

  3. Once a week, invite 2 to 3 friends over for a meal - stay true to the hygiene measures - but as I always say (and it’s all over my book), there’s magic in the emotions when a meal is shared between people.

  4. Use the time to read a book or learn a new skill online - Coursera among others have opened a plethora of free resources - and share your experience online so we can get on to it as well!

  5. Cook! Yes, emotional distancing isn’t just between people but it’s emotional distancing from self-within. One way I’ve been keeping busy and in-check is by cooking.

  6. If you’re working from home, take 2 to 3 minutes of your day and video chat with one of your colleagues, check on them, recall an office joke (at least I do!)

  7. Lastly here's an affirmation: if you do feel scared, anxious or uncertain- it’s ok to say so. We’re not meant to be perfect, we’re meant to be humans which means, relying on our creator that He is sovereign and is in control of all situations - including, a pandemic.

My thoughts are with every single one of you out there. There has never been a more sobering moment for us all than the times we live in today.

As the world heals itself, let’s take the time to heal our hearts and intentions as well.

Love and light,


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