Some travelers find them annoying, some pity them. Yes, I'm talking those travel companions that are uber excited to get onto the next plane or road trip with you but then the next thing you know, there’s a barf stop every 10 minutes! Or maybe, you’re one of those people who love the thought of travelling but knowing you’re going to be sick just stops you from taking a holiday :( That's me believe it or not. Here is a pic I found just minutes before hitting publish on this post while my mom was organizing our family albums! I just laughed reminiscing how I just couldn't go through out Thailand family holiday without feeling nauseous :( The picture says it all!
Till about the time I turned 16 and learnt about travel sickness pill, I dreaded the thought of holidays that included flying. I would throw up right from the airport till the time we landed - it was really really bad. But, after a long long time, when we planned our family holiday to Egypt, I popped a pill and then for the first time in all my years I had a sound flight (and first time I tasted flight food as well). Then till now, I've never suffered air sickness but I still carry a few essentials with me just in case.
An inevitable peril, the only way out of this (from personal experience) is to pack along with your Havaianas and iPod, the one and only – Barf handykit!
Here are 10 must-haves in your favourite cosmetic pouch (maybe from the classic LV monogram to give it a cool edge?)
Hand sanitizer – For obvious reasons. Pick your favourite scented one. Even prepping your hands before the trips and regularly cupping your hands to sniff pacifies the nausea feeling.
Barf bag – you never know when you need them!
Wipes – wet and dry ones equally important.
Basic medications – pain killer for mild headaches, anti-histamine and travel sickness pill.
Eye masks – keep track of constant movement can get one dizzy! Keeping your eyes closed helps keep your mind still. Shut an eye or take a nap – this is a handy piece of fabric on you.
Cough drops/Chewing gum – Better still when they are lemon or ginger flavoured. Chewing or sucking on a sweet is known to keep the imaginary tastes away.
Toothbrush and paste – This is for the after-throwup moment! Funny as it may sound, I can’t tell you how calm and fresher you feel once you brush your teeth after a session.
Lavender oil stick – Aromatic oils for those headaches, irritations or just to keep calm.
Oral rehydration salts – These help stabilize your electrolyte levels especially if you’ve had a bout of bad sickness. They come in sachets and in various flavor. Stir in water and keep sipping.
Neck pillow – find an inflatable one or hook it to your pouch. A bouncy head can get you feeling worse. So keeping your neck steady with a pillow goes a long way.